WP4 Dissemination and exploitation

This WP aims to set up the dissemination plan to communicate about the project, its results, and outputs, raise awareness on the project’s results and outcomes and conduct dissemination activities

In this work package, the project consortium will work to: develop the dissemination plan which will be firstly drafted at the kick-off meeting; develop project presentation materials for targeting public and private institutions as well as NGOs that will offer internship positions as well as the project overview presentation to present the project in each partner university and at local events; develop a communication platform, linking all the project participants and updated continuously.

4.1 Develop the dissemination plan
The dissemination plan will be drafted within the kick-off meeting. All partners will work to develop a first draft of the project dissemination, UTM finalizing it and keeping track of its implementation.

4.2 Disseminate project through the communication platform and social media
The communication platform of the project will be developed in the M2-M3 of the project, as well as the social media pages. It will mainly contain general information regarding the project and will help in disseminating the results at the international level. However, the communication platform, as well as Social Media pages, will be constantly updated during the entire project. All the partners will contribute at the communication platform and Social Media pages development. The communication platform will live on for two years beyond the life of the project to ensure that information about the project and its results is accessible during future work.

4.3 Develop and disseminate project presentation portfolio for targeting public and private institutions as well as NGOs that will offer internship positions
The project presentation portfolio will also be used disseminate the project to public institutions (Ministry of Health, Regional Departments of Public Health, etc.), private institutions and NGOs that will offer internship positions when invited to become a part of the project. It will consist of a range of publicity materials (project description, flyers, and posters).

4.4 Press conference
The project will organize and implement a press conference to disseminate the establishment of the Center for Evidence into Health Policy.

Estimated Start Date    15.10.2017    

Estimated End Date    15.10.2020

Lead Organisation    UTM
Participating Organisation    UBB, SDU, TU, SFAX, US

Last modified: Tuesday, 12 November 2019, 11:49 AM