The CONFIDE Policy Game has been organized in Tunis on the 1st of October
The CONFIDE Policy Game has been organized in Tunis on the 1st of October in the presence of the CONFIDE partners and national, regional, and local public health stakeholders. The Policy Game had two cycles and the aim of the exercise was to enable participants to develop a national strategy aiming to reduce the high incidence of cardiovascular diseases in Tunisia.

Policy Game Rehearsal in Tunis
The CONFIDE consortium has met on the 30th of September in Tunis (El Mechtel Hotel) where they conducted a rehearsal of the Policy Game and several training sessions for observers and participants.

Mock-Up Policy Game organized at the Public Health Department in Cluj
The CONFIDE team together with members and students of the Public Health Department from the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca organized on the 22nd of September 2021 a simulation of the Policy Game. They tested in the mock-up game the tools and methodologies that are going to be used in the Policy Game that will take place on the 1st of October in Tunisia.

The CONFIDE center at the University of Monastir has been endowed with new technical equipment
The CONFIDE center at the University of Monastir, the 4th major Tunisian University to join the CONFIDE consortium, has been endowed with technical equipment in the last phase of equipment acquisition of the CONFIDE project.

New team members have joined the CONFIDE consortium
New team members have joined the CONFIDE consortium as Mohamed Zied Amara became the international cooperation officer of the University of Sousse. His arrival ends the mandate of Mrs. Latifa Kechiche which served as international cooperation officer in the past years and who has overseen the technical implementation of the CONFIDE project at the University of Sousse since the start of the project.

Training and Education opportunities in the MENA Region

All partners start of the year CONFIDE working meeting
During the 27th of January 2021 the members of the CONFIDE project reunited in an online working meeting which focused on the preparation of the upcoming activities. The meeting has tackled the preparation and organization of the policy game, the internships for CONFIDE trainees and the participation to upcoming academic conferences. We also discussed about the experience of all the partners in handling the COVID-19 pandemic as well as different organizational aspects that we need to consider in order to safely organize the remaining activities.
The meeting has been attended by the partners from Babes-Bolyai University, Universiy of Tunis El Manar, University of Monastir, Trnava University, University of Sfax, University of Sousse and Southern Denmark University.

EUPHA 16th World Health Congress
The members of the CONFIDE project have participated at the virtual World Health Congress organized by EUPHA in Rome between the 12th and 16th of October 2020 and delivered a presentation on stakeholder analysis in a policy game preparation in Tunisia.
Stakeholder analysis in a policy game process in Tunisia - O Oltean, M A Coman, K Essafi Kallel, M Ben Rejeb, F Ghorbel, L Eklund Karlsson, R M Chereches, A Zrig, D Plančíková European Journal of Public Health, Volume 30, Issue Supplement_5, September 2020, ckaa165.178, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckaa165.178
(Oral presentation presented during the 16th World Congress on Public Health Programme Rome 2020 during the session DT - Other Public Health Issues: more details available here: https://wcph2020.com/app/programme/programme.php)

EUPHA 16th World Health Congress
12.01.2021The members of the CONFIDE project have participated at the virtual World Health Congress organized by EUPHA in Rome between the 12th and 16th of October 2020. They have delivered a poster presentation during the session - Public Health Advocacy, Policy, and Politics - held on Tuesday 13th of October 12:15- 13:15 : more details available here: https://wcph2020.com/app/programme/programme.php)
The findings of this work have been published in the European Journal of Public Health 30 (5), 2020:
Capacity building in the public health field in the Tunisian medical faculties - M A Coman, O Oltean, M Palianopoulou, D Plančíková, C Zedini, F Cheikhrouhou, K Kallel, A Zrig, R M Chereches, M E Bozdog European Journal of Public Health, Volume 30, Issue Supplement_5, September 2020, ckaa166.1192, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckaa166.1192

The Erasmus Office in Tunisia has conducted a monitoring visit at the University of Sousse on Friday 6th of March 2020
The Erasmus Office in Tunisia has conducted a monitoring visit at the University of Sousse on Friday 6th of March 2020 in order to asses the evolution of Confide Project and draw possible development lines for the future.